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What is the right of redemption in California?

Illustration of a gavel symbolizing property auction with a calendar marking the redemption period.

Understanding Redemption Periods and Consequences for Property Auctions in California

By Freddie Avila

When a property is auctioned off, whether due to foreclosure, tax sale, or other reasons, the redemption period becomes a critical timeframe for the former homeowner. This period provides an opportunity for redemption, allowing the homeowner to reclaim their property by settling outstanding debts or obligations. However, failure to act within this window can result in significant consequences, including loss of ownership rights and potential eviction. Here’s what homeowners need to know about redemption periods and their implications in California.

Types of Auctions and Redemption Periods:

Judicial Foreclosure Auction:

  • Redemption Period: In a judicial foreclosure overseen by the court, the redemption period in California typically extends up to one year after the sale. During this time, the homeowner can repay the outstanding debt and associated costs to reclaim the property.
  • Consequences of Non-Redemption: If the property isn’t redeemed within the specified period, ownership rights are forfeited. The purchaser, often the foreclosing lender, gains legal ownership, and the former homeowner may face eviction proceedings.

Non-Judicial Foreclosure Auction:

  • Redemption Period: In a non-judicial foreclosure conducted outside of the court system, the redemption period is generally shorter, usually up to 90 days after the sale.
  • Consequences of Non-Redemption: Similar to judicial foreclosure, failure to redeem the property within the period results in loss of ownership rights. The purchaser at the auction obtains legal ownership, and eviction proceedings may follow if the former homeowner doesn’t vacate voluntarily.

Tax Sale Auction:

  • Redemption Period: In a tax sale auction to settle delinquent property taxes, the redemption period in California is typically one year from the sale date.
  • Consequences of Non-Redemption: If the former homeowner doesn’t redeem the property within this period, the purchaser at the tax sale gains legal ownership rights, and eviction proceedings may be initiated if necessary.

What Homeowners Need to Do:

Regardless of the auction type, homeowners facing potential property loss should act promptly during the redemption period. Here are the key steps to take:

  • Understand Your Options: Seek guidance from a qualified attorney specializing in real estate or foreclosure law to understand your rights, obligations, and available redemption options.
  • Assess Financial Situation: Determine if redeeming the property is financially viable by calculating the total owed, including debts, taxes, penalties, and fees.
  • Explore Redemption Strategies: Consider negotiating with the purchaser or exploring refinancing or loan modification options.
  • Act Promptly: Time is crucial during the redemption period. Delaying action may decrease the chances of successful redemption.


The redemption period post-auction provides homeowners with a vital opportunity to reclaim their property. However, failing to act within this timeframe can have serious consequences. Understanding specific redemption procedures and timelines is essential, as they can vary based on the auction type and local laws. Homeowners are advised to seek personalized guidance from a qualified attorney specializing in real estate or foreclosure law to navigate the redemption process effectively and make informed decisions about property ownership rights.

For Further Assistance:

For expert guidance and support in navigating redemption periods and foreclosure processes in California, contact House Debt Relief, led by Freddie Avila (Foreclosure Consultant). Reach out at 310-940-8886 or email

Additionally, explore educational articles on foreclosure and property rights available from resources such as the California Department of Real Estate and local legal aid organizations.

General Advice and Support for Homeowners Facing Foreclosure

At House Debt Relief, we provide general advice and support for homeowners facing foreclosure, tailored to your unique financial situation. Our primary goal is to offer guidance that aligns with your best interests.

We recommend exploring assistance through non-profit, city, and state resources first. If these resources cannot provide the help you need, please reach out to us for further assistance or to request our advice at any time.

House Debt Relief is here to support you.

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